Building a dream...

“A goal is a dream with a deadline.” — Napoleon Hill

I was meeting with a client and during the course of the conversation I learned a few things about a vendor he was using. They weren't doing what they said. They weren't communicating, and when I looked at their audit logs, they hadn't even logged into the client's website in a year.

I was furious for the client and from that day forward decided to start a business built on doing what's right, communication, and personal accountability.

Warner Miller was born.

You might be wondering about qualifications.
Consider this a resume!


12-years broadcast television including commercial production and editing.

13-years digital marketing including implementing campaigns using streaming television/radio, PPC, SEO, Social Media, YouTube, and website design.

We're ready to roll!

The Process

What to expect when working with Warner Miller.

Let's Meet!

We discuss your needs and gather information. We discuss your goals, objectives, and where you've been. We want to know you. What charities do you support? Why do you love what you do?

Let's Build!

We take this information and pair your objectives with the best tactics and strategies to tell your story to the most qualified audience. We bring our plan to you and lay out a roadmap highlighting key campaign milestones. Need changes, no problem! We tweak and adjust as needed to make sure all tactics are going to perform.

Let's Execute!

From creative design to execution we set your campaign up for success. You will receive a detailed summary explaining what we're doing, why, and what to expect over the next few months.

Let's analyze!

During and after your first month we're checking and "forensically" optimizing elements of your campaign to make sure all is "right as rain". We'll meet with you monthly and at your request to review your report and determine "action items" (if any) needed to ensure success.

Let's meet Thomas Warner Miller our Business Growth Strategist and Founder.

"I'm obsessed, but not in a clinical way!"

Thomas Warner Miller, a Texoma native, has had over 20 plus years of experience working with small to medium-sized businesses. He has helped to develop advertising campaigns that perform using both digital and traditional tactics.. Thomas applies data-driven, forensic-style tactics to make decisions and help your business find a direction.

"I'm obsessed, but not in a clinical way. I love a good challenge and I don't give up easily. I take on projects with complexity, take them a part, analyze what makes them tick, and then I put them back together.

I have over 20+ years experience in creative design from storyboarding, shooting, and editing.

Want to take your story and show it off to the right crowd through streaming television, targeted display/video, and social media? Call me!

My experience straddles both the traditional and digital media worlds. The truth is, the same goals used in traditional media like broadcast and print are often the same used in digital. You want to "reach" the right people where they are in the buying cycle with enough "frequency" where they remember you.

The keywords, here are "reach" & "frequency", and the interesting part is they're words used in both traditional and digital advertising.

Digital-Only Marketers have came out of the woodwork stating "We have the best method if you only use us!", "The old way is dead!" But, sadly, many have zero clue about what motivates the consumer. They lack the experience of knowing what works and why. They might concentrate on PPC (Pay-Per-Click), or strictly on social media, but without knowing the mechanics of awareness combined with a holistic approach you end up paying a lot in the long run.

Here's the reality, yes, the advertising world is in flux, it's changing, but putting all of your eggs in one basket (a basket that is still being built and revised) isn't always the best approach. Sometimes, maybe, but that's for a blog article.

Digital Marketing is a fantastic medium, and of course we offer those services. Perhaps that's all you need, but let's make sure we're putting together a plan that allows for broad awareness combined with strategic audience targeting, demographics, and in-market data.

Traditional Marketing like broadcast, billboards, and print are also still valid mediums, but you need a consultant who can separate facts from fiction to make sure you're maximizing audience reach.

Basically, we know how to leverage advertising tactics that work, and in the right proportions.

We make sure Warner Miller and all of our media partners perform at the highest ethical standards and transparency. We want you to know how your money is being spent and why without the B.S.

As we like to say, "You know your business. We know advertising! Let's Talk!"